American Data Network Patient Safety Organization (ADNPSO) named the first two recipients of the Good Catch Award, being presented quarterly this year to outstanding Arkansas clinicians participating[...]
ADNPSO Presents Inaugural Good Catch Awards to Arkansas Clinicians
4 minute read | Jun 13, 2017Creating a culture of safety within a healthcare organization is a challenging task complicated by a lack of resources which provide direction for leadership. A new document recently introduced by[...]
NPSF Unveils Executive Blueprint for Safety Culture Development
2 minute read | May 25, 2017Arkansas Hospitals Join Movement to Drive Change Using Near Miss Data
4 minute read | Sep 08, 2016A team at Preston Memorial Hospital, in Kingwood, W.Va., developed a simple solution to help heart failure patients monitor weight gain and determine when to contact their providers for assistance.[...]
Sunday Shoes Program Slashes Heart Failure Readmissions
2 minute read | May 11, 2016The Partnership for Health IT Patient Safety recently released a free resource designed to improve health IT safety. The Health IT Safe Practices: Toolkit for the Safe Use of Copy and Paste presents[...]
Partnership Develops Free Toolkit for Safe Use of Copy & Paste
2 minute read | Apr 26, 2016American Data Network (ADN) has developed a set of straightforward tipsheets aimed at helping clinicians understand the defining criteria and suggested treatment protocols for Severe Sepsis and [...]
Free Tipsheets Afford Quick Reference for Sepsis Protocols
2 minute read | Oct 12, 2015How to Turn Raw Data into Meaningful Information
2 minute read | Aug 20, 2015American Data Network PSO released an infographic detailing an initial urgent/emergent environmental and physical triage that can be performed in response to a patient fall. ADN PSO's 90-Second Post[...]
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